Roleplay Contest Winners!!

Hello Everyone, and thank you to all who entered the contest. The winning scene was…

Scene: A forest with oak, maple, ash, rowan, and other (basically kind of like the trees in ThunderClan) kinds of trees. Camp is in a place surrounded by 2 streams and oak trees. There is a river that is about 4 miles away from camp, and the streams connect to it. There are mountain ranges around 10 miles north of camp. The river runs into the mountain. The place where medicine cats go to share tongues with StarClan is called the Star Clearing. It’s a clearing located near the mountains, and there is a small cave in the clearing. Inside, there are those things that hang from the ceiling and ground (I forget what they’re called :P). Kind of like Stoneteller’s cave. There are predators, including hawks, since the mountains are nearby.

BY SILVERLEAF!!!!!!!!!!!

And here’s the prompt…

NovemberClan lives alone in their home. There are no other Clans or cats nearby. They are peaceful, as the place they live in (whichever one is picked) has plenty of prey. But the clan is very small. Soon, word of the clan spreads, and rogues want to join. But some of NovemberClan don’t want them to join. Fights start to break out, and the Clan is divided. And if this wins, I guess we can take it from there.

BY SILVERLEAF!!!! However, I am changing it to this:

NovemberClan lives with the other 11 clans. However, they are peaceful, as the place they live in (whichever one is picked) has plenty of prey. The other clans are much bigger however. Soon, word of the clan spreads, and rogues want to join. But some of NovemberClan don’t want them to join. Fights start to break out, and the Clan is divided. And if this wins, I guess we can take it from there.

I did say that the scene and prompt would NOT be judged seperately. Your entries are judged together.

So, Silv, since you won, you get first choice of position for the RP. Please comment below.

Thank you again to all who entered!!!


4 thoughts on “Roleplay Contest Winners!!”

  1. 😮 😮
    Yay I won!! 😀

    I have a question: So if I want one of my rp characters as deputy or MC, I can choose? If so, I want my character, Shadowfire, as deputy 🙂


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